Woman Suffrage: Fight for your Right!

Woman Suffrage Lesson 5


  • Students will analyze support and resistance for Woman Suffrage.
  • Students will gain experience with exploration and investigation of primary sources through internet databases and group collaboration.
  • Students will learn to interpret Woman Suffrage primary documents with historical accuracy.
  • Students will synthesize digital primary source documents to support ideas and arguments for Woman Suffrage


Procedure (Approx. 55 minutes):

In-Class Group Debate:

Start the class by having the students sit within their groups and collect their thoughts for the debate. Students will be expected to use primary sources to back arguments. After about 5 minutes, you should reiterate the rules for a debate.


No put downs.
You must raise your hand if it's not your time to speak.


Opening statements for both sides = 2 minutes each
Arguments for both sides = 2 minutes each
Rebuttal conference = 2 minutes
Rebuttals= 2 minutes each
Closing statements for both sides = 1 minute each
Group order will go as follows: Anti 1, Pro 1, Anti 2, and Pro 2. The rebuttals can be from any opposite group.

Bring class back together by showing the 19th Amendment and explaining that the women finally acquired the right to vote in 1920. Although, women received the right to vote, there are still gaps between men and women throughout America (glass ceiling, the pay gap…).

Petition Assessment:

The students’ assessment will include a one-two page “petition” paper written outside of class. Students are to write on a particular issue that would have impacted women that lived during that era (1900-1920). When asked to analyze the Woman Suffrage Movement through the petition, students should include knowledge of multiple perspectives and why it is important to vote on political issues.

Writing Prompt:

Pick an issue or political topic that would have affected women between 1900 and 1920. Write a “petition” to support why the right to vote is necessary for this issue. Describe what the issue is, what your stance is, your organization, and how this affects multiple groups across America. Please include at least five (5) references from primary sources to support your argument. This paper is expected to be 1-2 pages long, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman in APA Reference Format.